We're a full-service web design, website management, website development, and internet marketing company located in Calgary and Vancouver in Canada. If you're looking for a website development and administration company, you've come to the right place, and we're confident working with us you'll find a trusted reliable partner.

Modern platforms like Shopify, Wordpress and JavaScript Frameworks like Angular, React and Vue.js make it very easy to build complex websites. However, using those platforms or frameworks might be an overkill for simple websites not need e-commerce, not need database or other interactive contents. There is no proiblem or actually quite easy to go with plain and pure JavaScript for building a website with thousands of free templates online. The simplicity, the fast-loading speed and mobile-friendly quick response are not comparable. The current IT Home website is an example only using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Shopify is a dedicated ecommerce platform that helps you build your own online store. It hosts your site for you, and gives you all the tools you need. As said on their website, selling online with your own ecommerce website has never been easier, faster, or more scalable, shopify has everything you need to start an online store and sell online.

Click here for an example of Shopify online store. Using Shopify, we can set up your online store as quickly as in a few days.

3. Wordpress and WooCommerce

WordPress is one of the most popular content management system solutions in use. It is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL database. WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin, designed for small to large-sized online merchants using WordPress.

Click here for an example of Wordpress.

4. NodeJS Framework

NodeJS framework comes as a highly efficient and effective framework to meet most requirements for any advanced web application projects. It is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. In recent years, Node.js for eCommerce development has become a standard to develop massive scales eCommerce sites like Amazon and eBay.

With successful projects like WordPress, PHP’s LAMP stack proved being a versatile technology. However, there is much about Node.js that makes Node.js shopping carts more simple, versatile, faster and scalable, with updated tools, latest security methods, and a huge base library. The MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular 2, and Node) or MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) stacks is much simpler and faster than LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) for web design and website development. Click here for an example of NodeJS.

With some new frameworks or tools gain popularity nowadays, PWA has become the default way to build Web interfaces as they make web browsing much faster and offer a better user experience.

Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps. It is a static site (no server-side code) or PWA (Progressive Web App) generator. You get code and data splitting out-of-the-box. Gatsby loads only the critical HTML, CSS, data, and JavaScript so your site loads as fast as possible. Once loaded, Gatsby prefetches resources for other pages so clicking around the site feels incredibly fast.

Strapi is the next-gen headless CMS, open-source, javascript, enabling content-rich experiences to be created, managed and exposed to any digital device.

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.

Click here for an example using Gatsby amd Strapi.

We have experience of web design and website development with the majority of open source CMS systems and leading platforms. Our webmasters and developers are always keen to learn new frameworks and technologies and to expand our knowledge base.

Static website or PWA dynamic, responsive website
Shopify Online Store Wordpress WooCommerce Website
Apache Web Server (PHP) NodeJS CMS (JavaScript)
MySQL, SQL database MongoDB, Non-SQL database
AWS, Azure Cloud Servers Google Cloud, Firebase
React, Angular and Vue Gatsby, Strapi, GraphQL
SSL and Website Security OAuth, Passport Authentication
Add / Remove Products, Categories, Web Pages Backup / Restore Website files, Shop, and Database
Add Images, Pull Images Removing and Fixing Errors
Update Website Content Website & Server Software Administration
Add Blog Posts or Articles Improving Website Speed
Update Staff and Manage Users DNS Server Configuration
Manage Products and Inventory Database Administration
Update Contact Info Improving Search Engine Visibility
Change Contact and Lead Forms Setting up Marketing & Sales Funnels
Add Call to Action Cloud Server Configuration
Monitor Website SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Network traffic load balancing Cloud web server auto scaling

A New Language Website Errors
A SlideShow Slow Loading Pages
A Photo Gallery Broken Functionality
Animations Images or Other Elements Not Displaying Correctly
A Landing Page Wrong Color
Reward Program Bad Responsive Actions
A Contact Us Button Floating on Webpage
Audio or Video Media Content

With analyzing the website traffic, it’s easy for us to assess the effectiveness of your current marketing strategy and know when it’s time to make a shift.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a powerful tool for online businesses. Through use of Google Analytics, you can uncover a tremendous amount of data about your website that can be used to enhance your marketing and business development strategies.

The back end of Google Analytics is broken down into eight main sections: Dashboards, Shortcuts, Intelligence Events, Real-Time, Audience, Acquisition, Behavior and Conversions. Almost all eight sections contain sub-sections that provide a ton of data. To read more, please refer to this article.

SEO and Google Tag Manager
SEO will make sure your website has the best chance of being found online. Search Engines need to find and index your site correctly. Utilizing the best SEO techniques, we configure your website to ensure the best user experience and search engine performance. Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a Google product that helps SEO professionals gain much more insight into what is happening on a Website. GTM also provides a way to easily add tags and triggers as well as add things like Google Analytics and other SEO related software.

One key aspect of GTM is its ability to track what users do on a website’s page. For example, we can set up a trigger event that fires every tscime a user rolls down the page or a trigger event when someone clicks on a link or button. These triggers can then be analyzed using Google Analytics to give more insight into what a user is doing on the page. To read more, please refer to this article.

Other Online Marketing Strategies
There are many online marketing strategies being commonly used like Social Media, Landing Pages, email marketing and blogs. We can help you take advantage of all the right strategies, work with client on content and manage the posting of approved content to the blog, and all the social channels.

Landing Pages are laser-focused pages typically used for social media and paid marketing campaigns. Email marketing, newsletters and promotion offers are a critical part as well used to stay in touch with your visitors, existing customers, and potential new customers. Landing pages and Email are designed to quickly communicate the benefits and convert the visitor to do the desired action on the content, which may be a sign-up, lead, or sale. We can create landing pages, and email using marketing templates as part of our PPC(pay-per-click) Advertising campaigns for our clients.

Need help? Be sure to contact us for answers to your questions!

We work with a wide variety of clients. Depending on the nature of the business, some clients need only 1 or 2 hours a month, and some need much more hours of on-going help or support. Some clients hire us to update their website with new features or reafacture their UI design.

For any website requirements, please contact us. We can tell you what is the best options for your business.

The amount we charge depends on our working hours to perform the tasks.

For clients with long-term service agreement, to make things simple, we offer a flat monthly rate with an average of monthly working hours.

For projects or tasks require extra workloads, we will give clients an estimation on the costs, and get approved on the extra charges before doing it.

Contact us, tell us about your project or requirement, and we'll provide you with a quote.

We're complete small tasks within 24 business hours. If you need it sooner, we can expedite it. Larger more complex tasks will typically take longer.

Once we receive the request, and everything is clear, we'll give you an estimated time of completion.

Yes. We do.

We'll typically need FTP/Control Panel information, and CMS access to content updates and optimize the website.

If we need to make server changes, we'll need admin level access to the server.

Yes, for complex changes, we always let our client try the the changes before formally publishing it.

For simple non-critical changes, we may directly publish it.

For any project, we always try the changes on our development platform or on the staging server if you have, just make sure the changes are as expected before showing up for the public.